only one season with no way to back it up, because ir discourages
experimenting with different car option purchases.
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It's very simple to backup any season/race, etc., at any time. I just
do backups of season ends, but I guess you can backup your current
career anytime.
When ready to save/archive a backup of your career, open your SCGT
folder, and find the "save" folder. Copy it to your desktop, and
rename it something like "save-EndGTx", etc. Then move it back to your
SCGT folder.
If you want to reload your backup archive, toss or rename your
(current) "save" folder, then rename your backup-folder back to "save"
again. Works fine.
Quote: "Many games create the ultimate technological experience, but falter
when it comes to creating a compelling story to keep gamers interested".<<
Author:Tim Royal,Computer Games Strategy Plus.