% I'm really confused here ....
% I'm not able to install my T2 in W95.....I've read stuff on the web that I
% should use the convertor plug....
% What the ##$## is the convertor-plug ???? Was it in the box when I bought
% the wheel two years ago?? I can't remember finding it.....
% And when I'm not supposed to have it already where can I get one?
If you did buy your T2 two years ago you will need the convertor to run
Win95 games. However, you can still install it and run DOS games inside
Win95 that use the wheel on one joystick and the pedals on the other.
It's very possible that at the time your T2 came out the Win95 issue
didn't exist, so there was no convertor. However, don't fret, just
contact Thrustmaster and let them know that you need their convertor and
they should send you one free of charge.
Also get the Thrustmaster's Pro Panel applet, this will make life easier
for you in Win95:
(503)615-3201 phone (503)615-3202 phone
(503)615-3300 fax (503)615-3300 fax
ThrustMaster, Inc.
7175 NW Evergreen Pkwy. #400
Hillsboro, OR 97124
(503)615-3200 phone
(503)615-3300 fax
For complete European support contact refer to:
This technical bulletin applies only to Formula T2 Driving Wheels.
Please reference the date code on the bottom of the steering console.
Please reference note for explanation of date code. The date code for
the T2 unit is on the bottom of the steering console.
If the date code is less than 961118, (in other words, if the T2 was
manufactured before November 18th 1996) use the setup information that
exists in your T2 manual and FYI sheet.
If the date code is 961118 or later, (in other words, if the T2 was
manufactured after November 18th 1996) the converter is no longer
needed, and is not supplied in the box. The Formula T2 now connects
directly to your computer's gameport as shown in the installation
diagram in the manual.
**Note: the date code consists of six numbers. The first two numbers are
the year of manufacture (961118). The second two numbers are the month
of manufacture (961118) in this case the 11th month or November. The
last two numbers are the day of manufacture(961118) in this case the
18th day. The proper translation of 961118 is November 18th, 1996.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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