It definitely won't work with Glide, only 3dfx chipsets do that, but D3D
should be okay. I'm not sure if that chipset supports OpenGL though.
gpl will run okay on a TNT2 or even lesser cards in d3d, so pretty much
anything modern should have no problems with the standard graphics.
However, the latest GPLEA cars, track graphics (or just some of the more
recently released add-on tracks) may be too much to keep a steady 36fps.
You'll just have to try them and see.
For the cars, you may be able to find older versions of the updates that
will run okay if the latest ones don't.
I find that Micha's v2 Lotus and Bruce's v2 Brab are quite demanding on the
CPU so I run the earlier versions of both cars. I have a Gf4 4200 but only a
1.2Ghz Athlon.