products and services to people they like this category
With this in mind we started to built a community with simulator related
HTML pages from users they believe they have something to say
The submission and the hosting of these web pages are FREE
We want to give you the freedom to create as many pages as you want so
the HDD space is not defined from the start but it will vary from the
quality of your work
The quality will be determined from Silicon Valley HELLAS staff
The process is not automatic but in order to submit the pages you must
follow the rules below :
1. The content of the pages will be related to simulator subjects
(planes, cars, submarine, ships, space ships.)
2. You must not place a link to sites / webpages with irrelevant subjects
3. ***, ***, ***ographic material will result an immediate deletion
of these pages without notifying the creator
4. We don't encourage but we don't forbid to place links at our
5. We don't allow JAVA applets and CGI
6. The contents will be text and images
7. The route path will be
8. The XXXX will be replaced by a number we will provide you at the time
you'll ask to submit your pages
9. We will receive your pages attached by email and we can update them
once a month
10. At the home page you must put two image links (Silicon Valley HELLAS
logo & PROnet HELLAS logo) at the top of your pages
11. Advertising banners like LinkExchange are aloud but it's forbidden
charge others in order to put their ad banners. It's also forbidden
***, lucky games (***), and in general pay per click banners
These rules may multiply according to users behavior
We want you to understand that we don't try to compete sites that they
offer free web space like XOOM and many others. These sites can provide
you better and automatic submission, update and many other free services
We started this project in order to establish a solid simulator site
since many of the sites we review put simulation category as the cherry
at the pie
We intent to build the following sub categories for our community
Airplane - Commercial
Airplane - Military
Airplane - General
Car - F1
Car - Sports cars
Car - General
If you have more to suggest us please use
(Please remove the word NOSPAMPLEASE in order to take your response. This
is a result of thousands SPAM targeting.Sorry for the inconvenience)
In any case visit our site and suggest us not only better and more
categories but general improvements you think they will make this site
We care about your opinion and you'll notice it in the near future
Silicon Valley HELLAS ? Website :
Thank you for your time