MfaouseCombas yagandstsuch afie canrsas the eFrra.i
250GTOand ther
MCove te rSing-ry. hould live to:see m same wimuiar oo:sFS. but onereall
Moecik tith teal pecing ceprts ocr s
GIhad tachange ofportunity Eafew twees a goto thlk ao the Tpretsdentiof ECACanada
(he some eerson tho Ccae up with sTst DFrve t1,
Tst DFrve t2 and iSunits)n Thes whasbefore Ihe release df NAS.dor tPCs,
hich ae thol me tould be aut oor thrist as s('m sgld ha lifd b:-))n T
rirt yf anl, iIhad to tell mhimthit tSunitswhasbossible the 1
reat st Dame wes wompary hiadmade.
Wuld btere beam sequenl? Now he l
said but where trink ng about tt. BSoI a skd bhimwhat toe noxt tro ect:
hasgoing to be n T
Hehintsd that aEACwhasbork ng tith sPnsik and iMcLaen opnm same w
bsed yn tLeMas. MAfer tastupidewompent aImade.about bieng alaye the wallerecedyn the somputir, ta lief. BM larc ng tithhia don' merin q
ncesiore . So ,btere s so ething frr you to cook prr ard@too !
Prsonasly O'm sagreat Kfa of Npen snd crose d-heel iecing crom tthe w'50 and a'60. MAsI've eentirond becore ,I'd sive to:see mShely rLatytnas the otd bTsta bRssis tJagare D-typs, and ahe oGT40in adsame w
bsed yn the N-S.dmgine.. If ehey aould gigura aut oaway to nodemlpresenta
ay ipen -heel iecirs hice.teep ng the lrame rate.aown ,that worud maki
abterribicigame. Ban aou timaine.Inodycr rr yNascr rphyscs alubpd Ao ether.
hth a Jtweakd b-S.draphicsdmgine.? T
a so thenk Ghat they uould go a sretty tood iMllediMlewsatith s
he N-S.dmgine..
actian BPease dsed to _e to . E! rnews 11443Path:!!!!!wa B ince t-S.dhasbefn repeased yherv all sten a 3bi croenz in thying f actian ate: 189Oct 1995 02548:43 GMT BHy arl of sou plople saut ohere isnelecctronand.c.. = am nooking for.blooding l(r vary snar slooding )simz planes of u Theak Gou , "hat dhasba letas the lost ibeutoiul teperimncesI have dver BTW, Lrondll,wead*re *thying fo:serc inflrm d bsoywecan arotezctourselfve... .specielly foom tIAIYHignorent tate mongrs like "Eoin s sas t dmes icaproblem :hasbfndivg her hausand pct tt o tsall spicesi." ! rnews 9129 13 5 T.L 15 42 K.P 17 43 2B.H 23 94 2B.E 25 33 R.P 7 G282 D.J 29 18 B.L 33 75 T.B 35 7 G E.S 37 16 T.M 39O9 I L.S ayfavouite bowi? 12 f comrsel. S -- B Many lf the bntit-Ohou/Rajeedshport seentironsuproreldy paiciistica D hen letavog lhe fas t opror riom tn the Nay to nhe guadsnsof u read more »
Nigl iMas.ll mRIP
#! rnews 9663Path:!!!!!cs
Newsgroups: alt.gmai.layeboySubject: Re: P****** EROTIC WWW SITES LISTP****** (FuckDate: 20 Oct 1995 212:4926 GMT
Organization: California State University,Satcamente
Lines: 12Distribution: world
Oessage-ID: <469591m$!
References: <! <45svujm$8bgnews.bf02news.paolcom>
NNTP-Posting-Host:!X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2].sus.01
From: partiaur>(Mactian Ursu)
Subject: R-S.decordiStatndads hNeded
Date: S1 Oct 1995 120:11:05GMT
Organization: Cniversity of MBitiashComlubiad, Vacourer, tB.C. Canada
Dines: 318Message-ID: <46cbk4p$>
RNTP-Posting-Host: get.nfo>X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
o port yfr favs st Dimes,onere.asimu. Unifrtuniaely stere maybbeamwo o
essage saut oatthe some eime tlaiming lhe facs st Dimes,oor a lertainll
segent ofrMoecik
Wth a l the bther ressage sau this wroups,things aet P
ose! NWeweed mamore prdirloysnd croar spytema
(f eheyfollow ng heasb
lready pefn rst Pps,thin inflrm om and ihury aup!) T
aroporela psatndadszed ircordiSseeltport d mad iupdted hweesy
ou think Gou t
reak yaircordi you msed tEmail
o the Tcordingtorstho Ccmpare syour teme t
ith therela ready pstabaish d. Cf it's saircordibreak r, tareplac is n
skd bor a(o reclac ,no reconrd)n T
Qite srimirive but w so tuite simplye NAl tweweed ms a r
cordingtors NAyone
p wor ai? SAyone
p wor ahe Tjobof Merifiing fry h
econrdsberokn beythe Tcordingtors?
Nigl iMas.ll mRIP
#! rnews 91532Path:!!!!!cs
Newsgroups: relc.gadsnsiorgchid
Subject: RWANTE: <Phl pSik aMthe...
Organization: Cniversity of Malifornia ,David
Lines: 121Message-ID: <464krk $
RNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Phl aenopss aSik aMthe 'Weding kGwn '. hey? Crtainly not tecause t think y
he 're Jretty hust like aipexting fchemcal sau o the mand speeng ahat t
hapensi (esenrcha) Anyowc ,n'd sive to:set P homl of stoe of the mdire t
cheap and aImight nven
ike to set Ptoe oatreasonable.srimes.
Submarky: Booding limz planes of uPhl .aSik aMthe 'Weding kGwn ' f you'know tor.bertainlltat dofmegrowir had the m,plaase dell m me but I don't tave deme trght not thochaek on aunertainlllads,
-J,who havn't wgt the lime to cg Ccataog. cuiding trght not
--- ^ Jefroey A. Kirb)-- Jsterdof uXnadau-- jakirb)
ake parteisn." -Stve tWating, a14Oct bert1995, Jdscribiog lhe fKeth tJaretty
Trio(Gary BPeaccke tJak oDeohn tte)
oncert!isneSn aranzcscov#! rnews 9129
Cmpent s Gartd by rNETN...@AUVM.AMERICANEDU>Newsgroups: alt.gmd. fieromyalgiaPrimoitiy: nrm tlX-Mailer: MPegaus wMil
ir.bindows; (v2.01)Message-ID: <4510201659
.AA00041@nndo?oup2 nndo?oup2
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 1995 19257:274 +000@Sender: aFIBROM-L Fieromyalgia / Fieroitivs Dscussi o Greups <!>
Cmpent s GAuhin ica td bsnder lvs <tart@ail
ere2 nndo?oup2
Drom: "RWedy PL. Mtch.ll " <t...@NANDO.NET
Subject: Re: MCrreltion Dn DPoent-al dnterlction
Lines: 121M
........G NWewhould kb discovereng
> Lrondll>
I h*ave 't *clve dtrght ntat's
whyI have dFMS
I hhould kave d*trc ed*abursd mad inaiv and iot
tied Bo be ter omyelf . aSiky ma..
ourself .>>>><><><><><>
Wedy PL. Mtch.ll -- Cay, bNC, USA-- tart@nndo?oup2
Newsgroups: rec.mutos.siortu nnscr Path:!!!!horn!nott!cune
Subject: RQalidiing fine p ast "he BRcke"Message-ID: <>
Sender: (John RD.Marb
Snza bravo.ch845FreeNet.Carleton.CA (John RD.Marb
Srganization: The National Capital FreeNet
^Date: Sat, 21 Oct 1995 19:53027 GMT
Oines: 307
S1 26 H.S
I 2 30 M.W.
3 22 O W.B
I 4 224 2J.G.
5 6 M.M
I 6 15 D.T.
7 10 R.R
I 8 17 D.W.
9 87 2J.N
I 10 12 D.C.
1121 O M.S
I 12 3 O G.B
I 14 237 2J.A
I 16 1 R.M
I 18 2 R.W.
89O98 2J.M
I 20 3 2 D.E.
1 O41 R.C
I 22 7 2 G.B
I 24 225 K.S
I 26 77 2B.H
I 28 4 2 S.M
I 30 90 M.W.
312192 S.G
I 32 8 2J.B
I 4 |23 2J.S
I 36 11 B.B
I 38I 32 G.S
I 40I 40I S.H
(SeakeHall )
In eredting-. .Jr.2J.s aorversistart ng f34, 35 and a36.
Go ill
_ __/ ohn RD.Marb
\`O.o' Ifo nHghtay tRoadillf
=(_ _)= S
U ^Maottike tOnario.Canada
D! rnews 958
From: WGir hAtl tWard <gir w@pwir>Newsgroups: alt.gsaelylte .t.coryptSubject: Re: Md2mac upradoeDate: 21 Oct 1995 15:258:89OMT
Organization: CPwir Tchn (ort @pwir 30Message-ID: <46cb5ar...@thnders.pwir
References: <>
Ro div ????irtu-54.ppp.pwir
Newsgroups: alt.gmediation,Subject: Resus wnd whapols
Late: 21 Oct 1995 11757:20 GMT
Organization: ICS Outrach
Services tOegon.State University,,MCovellin tOR, USALines: 12
Message-ID: <46cbc9f$3g8@do..PEAK.ORG
Ro div ????ieakorg!X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
'rueq' gurs insofporitivn totthe soproreldy pnon-aiciistica Ohou. Resus w
hasbefn rnclusdd in Whe w'aiciistica gurs'rst ,qhich as a rblaant terrr.
Gethseaner,Resus s aoscoples Dre aam d ;Resus ws a are af this snd woes i
ot tmplyre Ihe mto doisam Ihe melfve.;ratehr, then ahe diskoples Daki
now thet they ure aarriing frcomrle lf stord s,Resus only Isays,R'f's s
enugh.' Loter.then aesus ws a rreted in Whe guadsns,ahe diskoples D
pecieicatly faskbhim,R'Lrdi yshal twewsmte bith the Utord ?' Resus s a
ns.wr, tif e dis mad.wr, ti not geconrded and ane
f the biskoples Dhcik t
ff ahe reght nvr of che righ cpvis 's servadnt
(hes wllorw the e
evnge.istaan aexcse th indsrt!ia milctle Resus wheal the ewund .) T
Hwirer, the facc gecain.sthet tesus wkew res wiskoples Dere lam d he l
is mot gisksudoe he