HELP! Can't set steering in GPL or Nascar3 in Win2k with my LWFF!!!!


HELP! Can't set steering in GPL or Nascar3 in Win2k with my LWFF!!!!

by Vintoo ยป Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

I can calibrate in the calibration screens and set my throttle/brake but it
won't set the steering! I've hear of people using the LWFF in win2k to race
GPL, my question is HOW? Do you have to use it in the serial port as upposed
to the USB port? My game controllers thing on the control panel sees it ok
and it works fine in the test screen. What give? I also have a Logitech
wingman extreme digital 3d joystick and it sees that fine and will let me
select it for steering just not the LWFF wheel! I'd hate to have to
reinstall win98 just to play 2 of my games.

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