I used to post here a loooooong time ago, but (frankly) have lost
interest in auto simming. (Due mostly to having an ancient machine and
not being able to run the new games: P200MMX with Virge S2.) Well...
thought I might as well check in and see what the state of N3 is now.
Could be that I might actually consider upgrading. So in comparison to
N2, N99:
What's the verdict on N3?
How's the AI?
Did "Legends" ever come out? If so, opinions?
What needs to be patched on N3? Is a patch available, and does it fix
How much horsepower is needed to run a full field and suffiecient
eye-candy to make the experience more immersive? (i.e. I don't care
about clouds, etc, but do like grandstands filled with people, etc.)
Thanks for taking any time for some input...
Andre Ming