>Does anyone have a _good_ address for buying a T2 in Holland?
>Reading the articles in r.a.s. I'm convinced I need one for GP2.
>[by _good_ I meand _good_ price ;-) ]
Collectief in Amsterdam (www.comcol.nl).
>Does anyone have a _good_ address for buying a T2 in Holland?
>Reading the articles in r.a.s. I'm convinced I need one for GP2.
>[by _good_ I meand _good_ price ;-) ]
Does anyone have a _good_ address for buying a T2 in Holland?
Reading the articles in r.a.s. I'm convinced I need one for GP2.
[by _good_ I meand _good_ price ;-) ]
| >Does anyone have a _good_ address for buying a T2 in Holland?
| As far as i know the only adress you can get one is Computer
| Collectief in Amsterdam (www.comcol.nl).
DynaByte in Utrecht (and most likely other DynaByte shops as well)
had the T2 on sale too.
--[ Edwin ]--
Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University, The Netherlands [WHOIS: ehk3]
-------------------- http://www.cs.ruu.nl/people/edwin/ -----------------------