I've put up a new version of GPL Report at http://www.racesimcentral.net/
GPL Report is a program which extracts race and qual standings,
statistics etc etc from a GPL replay file.
The following are the changes to version 1.2.
V1.2 *Added Laps Led statistics to race report.
*Added "Highest Climber" statistics to race report
*Added on which lap race fastest laps were set
*Misc small improvements
*Fixed a bug which would cause the program to crash if you tried
to run it on Grand Prix (full length) replay file. However,
only the first practice session is included in the reports.
*Fixed another bug which caused the program to crash while
generating a report on replay files with LOTS of laps.
Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Before you buy.