> It's the very best, no doubt!
> But there is one point which I really am disturbed about:
> The HELMETS !!!!! I mean Bandini in black, Hill in light blue, etc,etc.
> those screenshots are beta, I know, but I hope they don't forget
> this....
> btw I'm the guy who started the GP2 helmets page, so maybe I'm the only
> one who's concerned about this :-)
> Bart
Actually, what the game should have as a feature is paintable helmets,
and offer you the option to trade helmets when you start a multiplayer
game. It would (should?) be a very small file to transfer, and once you
have your regular opponents helmets, you'd never need to download them
Quake has had this feature for "skinz" for a quite a while...
By the way, does anybody else think that the helmet on the cover of the
UK GPL box looks just like the Pete Aaron character's from Grand Prix?
Neil Yeatman
Ajax, Ontario, CANADA