> > THERE IS NO SUCH PERSON AS DGYMENARD!! They got "fused" together somehow
> > through somebodys bad typing skills!! DG is David Gary and ymenard is
> > some ill-informed person that was distributing illegal INDY software!
> > PLEASE do not relate the two! David Gary has NEVER posted ILLEGAL
> > software!!! -DG
STOP posting these idiot lines. We all know that the ill is you. STOP
This is not a Flame. I have no intention to flame you. I have enough
problems with people you can please stop. You're probably a ***. all
this stuff you wrote look like a 8 year's old child that want's to be in
his mother arm's ( OUIOUIOUOUOUIIINNNNNNNN!!!). Snif Snif. When your 16
years old you try to be mature. Hope you went on this way and regressed
after. J'espere que tu as compris le message, mon tabarn..
[===] Go R. Barrichello, go J.Gordon, go J.Villeneuve, go
| ! | And all you that thinks that Jacques Villeneuve is
|!| from Canada, your right!! He's from St-Jean sur le
|o| Richelieu, 30 minutes from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Fran?ois Mnard "Wasupe LeGrand"
Nicolas Mnard "Nien Numb"
May the force be with you, always!!
Tu ne peut sous-estimer le pouvoir du c?t obscur!! (for you French
Excuse me for my poor English (I'm French speaking)