On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 04:08:53 GMT, "Matthew V. Jessick"
>> I've got the basics of my engine in and every thing seems happy except
>> (and this is a big except) if steering inputs are applied while the
>> car is stopped, it rotates in place (more or less around its own
>> center).
>> Once the car has some speed, this behaviour seems to go away (but
>> steering inputs seem VERY sluggish, especially at high speeds where it
>> is almost impossible to turn...could these problems be related)?
>> I realise that this is pretty vague, but can anyone point me in the
>> right direction?
>> Aaron
>Without knowing what forces you have simulated it would be
>hard to suggest where to look.
And how, indeed.
If you're using forces at all check why it's generating lateral
forces. You might use slip angles, which become non-zero when you
rotate the steering wheel. In that case, you need to keep the
slipangle low at low speeds, or do some other low-speed trick (there
are lots and that is a long discussion, but search RAS on 'SAE 950311'
on you'll get into the game).
Ruud van Gaal
Free car sim: http://www.racer.nl/
Pencil art : http://www.marketgraph.nl/gallery/