This is from a post to Sierra's Message Board by Dan Clarke of Operation
Sports. Click the link above to get to the actual post.
Subject: NASCAR 2000/NASCAR 3
From: Dan Clarke/Operation Sports
Date: Sun May 16 09:17:51
Now that the cat has been let out of the bag, I want you all to know
that myself, Craig and Scott (all staff of Operation Sports) went to
Papryus last week pre-E3.
We know what the inside scoop is, and we saw and heard some things
that I think the *** sim fan (as well as the regular racing fan)
will be very happy with.
I know this sounds awful, but we need to respect the wishes of Sierra
and Papryus here. There is nothing official yet, and things in this
industry can change by the second. There would be nothing more
embarassing for us to post something about a certain game and then
find out that it's not going to happen. So, until it is official we
will not say anything.
I can say that the referenced article that many are you are pointing
to is not 100% the case. I really want to let you all know what's
going on, but I think you'll all know the story later this week.
On one hand, I don't want to hold things back, but on the other hand,
I don't want you all basing your opinions on one article that may or
may not be correct.
Dan Clarke
Managing Editor
Operation Sports