On Fri, 26 May 2000 15:25:58 GMT, Simon Brown
>Have you tried connecting at a slower speed? I've heard people say that if
>you connect at greater than 33.6k it can cause disconnection in some
>circumstances. GPL needs fast pings more than a high bandwidth (for
>clients), so theres no need to connect at 48-56k. Go into DUN, right-click
>on your connection and select "properties", then click "configure", then the
>"connection" tab, and then "advanced" and enter the following in the "Extra
>settings" field - "AT+MS=11". This will limit your connection speed to 33k.
It makes all the difference in the world, since a V.90 (56k) retrains
all the time (resulting 10-20 seconds of effectively lost connection),
whereas a V.34 (33.6) connection practically never retrains.
Richard Bellavance Enter-Net Inc.
Phone: (450) 652-7189 #16
Systems Administrator/ (514) 990-1683 #16
Analyst-Programmer Fax: (450) 652-6973