Hello, In need of the Talladega patch, my "The Pits" address is no longer
valid, any help ? Also any news on the Rally Challenge issue?? Thanks.
Hello, In need of the Talladega patch, my "The Pits" address is no longer
valid, any help ? Also any news on the Rally Challenge issue?? Thanks.
> Hello, In need of the Talladega patch, my "The Pits" address is no longer
> valid, any help ? Also any news on the Rally Challenge issue?? Thanks.
> Al.
* Magic_Fr - stixier - Sebastien Tixier *
* Etudiant en Maitrise Informatique *
* Universite Claude Bernard Lyon1 *
* Stagiaire au LIP a l'ENS sur DOSMOS *
* url : http://www.ens-lyon.fr/~stixier *
> Hello, In need of the Talladega patch, my "The Pits" address is no longer
> valid, any help ? Also any news on the Rally Challenge issue?? Thanks.
> Al.
Ron R II
** Keep the shiny side up & the hammer down **
*** Ron "Cougar" Riekens II ***
**** Owner - Driver ****
**** Medallion Motorsports/*** Photography ****
*** NASS ARCA Series #96 Pontiac ***
>> Hello, In need of the Talladega patch, my "The Pits" address is no longer
>> valid, any help ? Also any news on the Rally Challenge issue?? Thanks.
>> Al.
>hi, here my current valid adress ( i'm currently downloading ;o) )
Kyle Langston