: Some guys run this track at 1:21.xxx so ....
I meant to post this last night, but it failed to post. So here it is
: My best so far is 1:27.033. Does this suck or... You see,
: I have nothing to compare it with. Maybe it's ok.
Not to pop your bubble, but I'm sure someone is faster than me and I'm
turning 1m23.365 so far. Still tweaking the setup.
That's steering and opposite lock help ON, all others off using a
joystick in VGA mode at about 25fps.
Ok, so the helps are on for a reason. I am still getting traction help
OFF down before I add other realisms. Besides, if I even touch the
throttle with the steering helps off it's 180 time!! I can do just fine
with the steering helps on.
Well, that was last night. I did some tweaking and have managed a 1m22.3s
lap. That's in Qualifying though, so it wouldn't count.
BTW, there IS about a 1mph difference in top speed between Practice and
I will upload the replay to the sim binaries group.