I've recently purchased a wheel, and have made huge leaps in my laps
times at Taladega. Using a borrowed setup, I've lapped at 196.201 in
a race. I've bumped up the AI competition to 103%, and use the great
IWCCCARS carset. But I think that they may have given Jeremy Mayfield
too much speed. I am using Hansen's AI for Taladega, and I am not
sure if this has an effect, but twice I've raced where Mayfield and I
have pulled away from the rest of the field by 5-7 seconds. My tires
start to go away after 35 laps on a set and then Mayfield's gone, he's
a few seconds in fornt of me and I'm not even closing. He must be
lapping at over 196. Anyone else have this experience? Also has
anyone found that the AI cars seem like they get better fuel mileage?