: Trident and S3 are OLD, and I mean OLD, chipsets. If you plan to play ANY
: 3D game or heck any game on a notebook, be sure to get the ATI Rage LT Pro
: onboard. The Rage is approx. about the same in performance as the original
: Riva TNT.
: And yes, more onboard video memory is better for a number of reasons
: including the mentioned texture budget, resolution, etc. :)
Also, the new Savage/Mobile will have 16Mb or 32Mb of memory, plus AGP. I
have been searching for this "holy grail" of notebook 3D. It looks like
it is coming, but you can bet it will be in the high end (over $4000)
notebooks for the first year. I've decided to forget about it, be happy
playing GP2 on my old notebook while travelling, and pile much less cash
into a killer desktop for home. If you have the cash for the next
generation notebook, go for it, but it will still never quite match a
desktop (but then again, other simmers will drool with envy if the OpenGL
on the Savage works out and you can have GPL wherever you go)