> Hi, I tried the other day to connect with my friend with a telephone
> cord. We live in the same appartment so we dont use a phone line...
> just a cord which goes from my modem directly to his modem.
> We succesfully made connection using a terminal by typing ATD
> and the other ATA. But now we would like to play our favorite games
> but it wont work. The reason is simple, all games are made to wait for
> a ring to answer the line and with the type of connection we have it
> wont 'ring'.
> My question is: Is it possible to play over a 'phone line' like this?
> The reason i'm not using null-modem cable is because its a lot more
> expensive (we would need a very long one).
> thanks a lot for your help and sorry for my bad english. This is not
> my native langage.
> Daniel
Hi Daniel,
First of all, don't apologise for your English - it's fine (and probably
better than many people in the UK!).
I don't know the answer to your question about using modems, however you
can *make* a null-modem cable yourself if you are handy with a soldering
iron - you can use the same cable as you're using now (four-core phone
cable) - this is very cheap and your only other costs would be for two 9
or 25 pin serial plugs. I managed to make one (and I'm no electronics
engineer) using mains cable which ran from one side of my house to
another, let us connect at the highest speed, and which we could also
use for networking under windows! I'm sorry, I don't have the address of
a site with the information on building such a cable, but I'm sure that
if you search under "null modem cable" on AltaVista, you will find one.
All much cheaper than anything else!
Good luck and best wishes,