passing rules in '67?

Liutger Franze

passing rules in '67?

by Liutger Franze » Fri, 19 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I was searching the web for information on the rule book of the '67
season especially the passing rules, as there are often discussions on
the various GPL servers about it.
all I found so far are some rules from different series nowadays which
can be summarized as follows:

 - the car in front of another has the right-of-way, and need not
   yield to the car behind. if the car ahead is clearly much slower
   than the overtaking car or uncompetetive, the slower on should
   yield the right-of-way to the faster car when it can be done safely.
 - the responsibility for the decision to pass another car, and thus
   for the safety of the pass, lies with the overtaking driver. The
   overtaking car must leave room for the overtaken vehicle, and the
   pass must be completed without requiring the overtaken driver to
   take evasive action to avoid contact.
 - it is the responsibility of the overtaken driver to maintain a
   consistent and predictable line or course of travel.

any comments? anybody there with a rulebook of the sixties? :-)

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