On the topic of Mad Max, you guys HAVE tried PowerSlide, haven't you? If
not, you're definitely missing out. You can download the demo at:
FWIW, I think PowerSlide is currently my favorite driving sim, in fact --
SCGT and Viper Racing have certainly taken a back seat, and my seat time in
GPL is suffering too. And I only have the demo, so far! (The full version
should be here in a couple of days, I hope!)
-- John Bodin
Publisher, The IRL Insider Magazine
So I was watching the original MadMax on my DVD player last night (wide
screen baby). Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knew what type of car the
intial "cop" cars are in the first several scenes and then what MadMax is
driving at the end. Obviously all are custom to the hilt, but what are the
base cars?