GC2 Tips?


GC2 Tips?

by wa5ho » Fri, 11 May 2001 01:36:42

Got myself a mic and GC2 for using in N4 online racing. I'd heard it
works well, but I'm having a bit of trouble. Commands seem to get
recognized, and work fine in the testing mode, but in the game it
either sort of randomly generates commands, or ignores or is very slwo
to respond to commands I'm trying to give.  I suspect my using Win2K
may have something to do with it...

System Specs:

P933 256MB
Geforce Ultra
SB Live
DirectX 8.1 (I think...)
Actually I think I'm using the OpenGl driver for N4...

N4 runs great, I don't think I get top performance for a machine at
this spec, but that, again I figure, is Win2k related...

Anyway, any tips or URL's would be appreciated.



BTW - If anybody has a good league or racing group for beginners,
intermediates, I'd love to hear about it. Where I'm at is, I can run
quick and hold my line at the SuperSpeedways, but I'm not quick at the
shorter tracks yet, and the open races, especially at the short
tracks, are brutal wreckfests...


GC2 Tips?

by Paul » Fri, 11 May 2001 09:51:18

I found that my GC2 mic volume needs to be different for it to work in N4,
compared to testing GC outside of the sim.  I think that the volume level of
N4 <g> drives GC nuts.  I believe that I have my mic level somewhat higher
than needed in testing mode, and it works fine in N4.  Also, to get high
accuracy with commands, make them phrases.  One word commands can be
mistaken or ignored more easily than 3 word phrases.

I may know of a league for you, but I don't know if the day/time will fit
your schedule.  It's NCRL at:

They are affiliated with my league. The racers are beginner/intermediate
skill level and they race with fixed setups. Races are on Wednesdays,
starting at 6:30PDT.

-Paul E
-League & Server admin
Western States Racing League

Dave Henri

GC2 Tips?

by Dave Henri » Fri, 11 May 2001 12:59:57

  I have the OLD Game Commander and win98 so my advice may be crapola....
   things to check..
try to cut down on other programs running in the background.  enditall is a
good one to shut down programs with.  then limit the # of commands in your
game file.  If you find your using about 10 commands far more than the rest,
eliminate some of the unneccessary(how the heck do you spell the word just
before the bracket :>  )  (I was gonna say how do you spell that? but I knew
somebody would jump in with T H A T....)
3rd.  If you find certain commands are repeatedly messed up, either train
the computer to learn the command or change the word to something more
clear.  I had an N3 file that used the word fuel to check the F3 key and see
how many laps I could go before pitting.  But fuel is such a soft sounding
word, it never got recognized consistantly.  So I changed the command 'fuel'
to 'gas' and that cleared it up.
  Remember this is with CG1.   Good luck
dave henrie


GC2 Tips?

by wa5ho » Fri, 11 May 2001 14:14:08


Thanks guys, gave me some ideas...

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