suddenly realise the reason why I'm having trouble with the handling is that
the car wants to turn left. It feels like I've banged a wall or something.
But I've only just exited the pits, and besides it's a no-damage training
session. I check the setup and it's perfectly symmetrical - in fact it's the
default Ferrari setup (except with lower fuel load). So I go back into the
car, set off from the pits and drive slowly forward with my joystick (yes
yes, I know) centred - and more importantly, the wheel on-screen is also
centred, it's not a calibration problem. But I find myself driving into the
outside pit wall. Then I carry on regardless, just to try and "drive round"
the problem, lose it in a big way in the final corner and find myself in an
endless bouncing rotating accident - just like in GP2 when you try to drive
a modified track that's had the heights messed with. Finally after about 15
seconds the program just quits and I find myself looking at my W98 desktop.
(GPL hadn't crashed on me since I got my Voodoo3 last August).
Anyone with similar experiences?
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