On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 19:07:35 +0200,
> Hi all
> There is a new version available for download, visit www.torcs.org for details.
> Screenshots:
> - http://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots.php?group_id=3777
> - http://www.berniw.org/trb/gallery/gallery.php
> Bye, have fun,
> Bernhard.
For Windows From "all-in-one" Source
1. Requires VC++ 6.0 (tested with
2. Download the source package
3. Unpack the package with "tar
xfvj torcs-1.2.4.tar.bz2" or any
application you like, be careful to
select a path without whitespaces
and other special characters.
4. Hint: You can build a release
and a debug version side by side,
the required step for the debug
version is showed in brackets "()".
5. Open a command prompt and cd
into the torcs-1.2.4 directory.
6. Run setup_win32.bat
7. Run
8. Open the file TORCS.dsw with
vc++ 6.0.
9. Select the TORCS project and
the win32-Release (win32-Debug)
10. Compile the project (release 0
warnings, debug 131 irrelevant
warnings about too long debug
11. cd into the "runtime"
("runtimed") directory.
12. Run "wtorcs.exe".
bwaaaa-hawwww-hawwww, you gotta be