high quality glass pipes, bubblers 4072

Andrew Turne

high quality glass pipes, bubblers 4072

by Andrew Turne » Tue, 23 May 2000 04:00:00

Gee, thanks.

> for the best prices on the sweetest pyrex pipes and glass art, please

> visit


> please excuse if I posted this in the wrong group
> ekcwetluolzpcdhxdntmhpevgeoqtomxgtovwozkzdswsv


high quality glass pipes, bubblers 4072

by snakehand » Tue, 23 May 2000 04:00:00

You'll need a V3 or a V2, but once you get it working right GPL is a joy.

Good luck

>for the best prices on the sweetest pyrex pipes and glass art, please


>please excuse if I posted this in the wrong group

don hodgdo

high quality glass pipes, bubblers 4072

by don hodgdo » Tue, 23 May 2000 04:00:00

Glass pipes on a Lotus 49? Sounds pretty fragile to me....<g>


> >for the best prices on the sweetest pyrex pipes and glass art, please
> >visit

> >

> >please excuse if I posted this in the wrong group
> >ekcwetluolzpcdhxdntmhpevgeoqtomxgtovwozkzdswsv

Stephen Ferguso

high quality glass pipes, bubblers 4072

by Stephen Ferguso » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

But they're Pyrex, so they can take the heat... and a Lotus is certainly a
work of art.


> Glass pipes on a Lotus 49? Sounds pretty fragile to me....<g>
> --
> don

> [|]-(_)-[|]

> > >for the best prices on the sweetest pyrex pipes and glass art, please
> > >visit

> > >

> > >please excuse if I posted this in the wrong group
> > >ekcwetluolzpcdhxdntmhpevgeoqtomxgtovwozkzdswsv

Ray Cere

high quality glass pipes, bubblers 4072

by Ray Cere » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

Bongs.....Precision driving.....bongs.....precision
driving.....bongs.....precision driving.....

Nope, they don't mix. I wondered how long before the internet got spammed by

Robin Lor

high quality glass pipes, bubblers 4072

by Robin Lor » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

This reminds me, Whatever happened to Dave Mansell - Early GPL


Robin Lord - Trance DJ & Sim Racer.

Nrburgring and Grand Prix Legends

| Bongs.....Precision driving.....bongs.....precision
| driving.....bongs.....precision driving.....
| Nope, they don't mix. I wondered how long before the internet got spammed
| e-headshops.....

| > But they're Pyrex, so they can take the heat... and a Lotus is certainly
| > work of art.
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