Installing F1 Racing Simulation

Richard & Pernill

Installing F1 Racing Simulation

by Richard & Pernill » Wed, 09 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Hi everyone!

I just had my TM wheel setup and working after some interesting rounds. Now
it's time to install the software - F1 Racing Simulation.

But when I start the install program, it suggests that I should go with a
minimum 3D install. I found this a bit strange and clicked on the 'detail'
button, and there I was told that I don't have a 3dfx card, but I certainly

I have a Orchid Righteous 3D, and it works just fine in every other 3dfx
game I have.

Apart from that, I have a PII-300 with 64 MB, a Matrox Mystique 220 with 4
MB, a SB AWE64, Win98.

Is this a known problem with F1 RS, and is there a way to fix it?

Please give me all your tips, because I'm dying to get on with this now

If you want to reply to me in person, please replace nospam with swipnet in
my address.

Best regards,



Installing F1 Racing Simulation

by Stev » Wed, 09 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Your answer is here:


If the F1RS install does not detect your 3DFX card, then you are probably
using the 3DFX reference drivers or the very latest from Orchid. On
installing these, a couple of files are missed out of your windows/system
directory. Some software specifically uses these files to recognise the
existence of a 3DFX card (including F1RS). The most straight forward
solution is to put the files back in - this will not cause any problems or
degrade the performance of the newer drivers, but will improve
The missing files are glide.dll and sst1init.dll. If you have these files
lying around on your hard disk, just copy them back into your
windows/system directory. If not, you can obtain them from



P.S. Happy Birthday!

Richard & Pernill

Installing F1 Racing Simulation

by Richard & Pernill » Wed, 09 Sep 1998 04:00:00


It works just fine now!


If you want to reply to me in person, please replace nospam with swipnet in
my address.

Best regards,

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