>> It looks like the retailers will start clearing out F1 C to make
>> space
>> for Nascar Thunder. A Cartleague member spotted a price drop at
>> Babbages..(mall store) I would suspect that Best Buy/Compusa might
>> follow suit on Sunday. My local Babbs also had $19
> Hi Dave,
> What is F1 C? Does it make GTR 2002 better?
> Tony
It is the next Generation of EA's F1 games. It will not make GTR 2002
better, it won't work with that, GTR 2002 was made for F1 2k2. F1 C will
have many of the mods updated. It has better physics, improved multi etc
etc. There is a non-official conversion of GTR to F1 C, it is called GTX.
dave henrie