Attention Racing Game Fans

Ubi Soft Focus Grou

Attention Racing Game Fans

by Ubi Soft Focus Grou » Tue, 01 Sep 1998 04:00:00

If you dont like high speed racing stop reading now!

Ubi Soft Entertainment will be conducting an online focus group on
September 9th between 6pm and 8pm Eastern Time (between 3pm and 5pm
Pacific Tim) and are looking for
*** video game racing fans. If you love racing games, own a Pentium

166 or higher with a 28.8+ modem or higher, have a graphic accelerator
card, are between the ages of 18 and
35 and are an American resident you are eligible.

All you need to do is fill out a short form by e-mail and if you are
selected review some information we will send, log onto a specified chat

room at 6pm Eastern Time and participate
online for approximately 2 hours.  You will be asked a series of
questions about the material you have received and will be required to
speak openly and honestly in reaction to the
questions you are asked.

All participants who are selected will be rewarded for their time with a

free Ubi Soft Entertainment game.  You can have a classic such as POD or

F1 Racing Simulation or wait for one of
the new releases including Rayman 2, Tonic Trouble or S.C.A.R.S.

are interested!




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