at all Dave H.
:-) ) and myths about why there isn't better multiplay in auto sims.
Apparently there are SOME people who think that the developers CAN'T
full field multiplay in an auto sim. They're too dumb. They can't do
it with
their development team, and it NEVER occurs to them to simply offer a
substantial pay raise to someone from another development team that
coded great multiplayer for another game (flight sim, fps, Papyrus).
If full
field multiplay is so important to the sales of a sim, a small
like I mention above would yield them huge profits. Right?
The truth is that developers do market research and apparently full
multiplay in auto sims is not a high priority at all. The
exception is the Papyrus NASCAR series because a large % of the buyers
that game wouldn't bother with it if all they could do was go around
circles for hours againt AI that seems to have serious problmes with
release. I don't like NASCAR at all, but even I can see how it would
be fun
to race live against a large field of drivers in an otherwise boring
(to me)
auto series. It's critical to their sales. For F1 sims and other
games, racing against the AI or hotlapping is fine for most buyers (I
turning right and using the brake/gas has something to do with it).
Do some of you people really think multiplay code is a huge mystery?
developers can give us physics models and stunning graphics engines,
but are
baffeled by multiplay code? You don't think they do market research
and ask
people how important multiplayer is in their purchasing decisions?
wouldn't invest a little extra money for big profit?
Ubi Soft is a perfect example. SOME want to deny the role the FIA has
in limiting their multplayer option in F1RC. Of course they could give
us a
full field to race against. This "only Papy can do it" ***is a joke.
at this site***Zone/ 1,100 people at the
time of
this post in multiplayer games that are from Ubi Soft. They put out
money for these games to be developed, and decide what goes into them.
can and will do excellent multiplayer if they are allowed, or their
research tells them it's necessary for sales of a particular type of
game. For F1RC, they WERE NOT
ALLOWED to do this. EA and ISI are likely under the same restrictions.
Enough of the complaining and speculation already. I would LOVE
full field multiplay in every auto sim I buy, but until restrictions
lifted, or there is a true demand for it, it's going to be slower
coming than we'd like. ABILITY has nothing to do with it. If you want
to complain, direct
your energies where they belong.
David G Fisher