On Sun, 29 Nov 1998 09:49:12 -0700, "Chipper"
>Fellow Racers,
>I received this from a friend who is having problems with GPL as described below. Could anyone offer any solution to the problem? THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I have been busy,but now back to my prob with 3dfx and GPL
>MY SYSTEM: I have a p2 300 with 96 meg of ram, my card is a creative voodoo2 8 meg card modle ct 6670 , and win 98
>and i have downloaded the latest drivers for this card.
>here is what it is doing,it starts ok and the graphics are fine except where what looks like shadows fall across the track it's just large ares of black emptiness and you can't even see where the track is suppose to be,and it makes the track undriveable also my driver has a nervous tick (lol) his arms kind of jerk every so often. well ya got any ideas ?????
it sounds as though the updated drivers for the Voodoo 2 did not
install properly. I had this problem with the out-of-the-box V2
drivers but the updated ones corrected it immediately. You might want
to try Creative's release candidate drivers, which add a neat
over/underclocking utility to the cards Display Properties. The
twitching could be your wheel's pot going south. or possibly a bad
midi (game) port on your sound card. try another controller and see if
the same thing happens. If it doesn't, bad pot. If it does, bad game
port. Get a dedicated game card if the latter is the case.
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