Large binary posts do not belong in unmoderated discussion groups.
I have detected one or more large misplaced binaries in (or
cross-posted from) this newsgroup.
If you would like to automatically mark such misplaced binaries as
'read', install NoCeM and use my 'bindetect' reports in alt.nocem.misc.
It has been suggested that I use NoCeM notices in place of advisory
cancels. This is a trial of that suggestion.
For more information on NoCeM, see URL:
The full report can also be found in and
alt.retromod. Look for AR382 in the subject, or, if your reader
Please direct public feedback to and private
Best wishes,
It's over, and can't be helped, and that's one consolation, as they
always say in Turkey, when they cut the wrong man's head off''
-- Charles***ens