test enlightened us with:
On the surface of this problem it would seem that one pc or the other is
dropping data packets that the game sends and recieves, which could be any
number of problems.
I assume from the posting, that maybe you are hosting the race, like via
Direct IP? have you setup any kind of firewall and or software to allow
unsolicited incoming packets on the certain ports? what you can do if you
have no clue what that means is, well read the (dang now I forget the name
of the file, but it is a text file just like the Readme.txt in the main
folder of NR03, called multiplayer.txt or something,about 1/2 way through
there tells you what you have to do technically) But you dont have to if
you can get away from hosting at home behind any kind of firewalls, no I
dont mean disable the firewalls but lets do some checking...
Another trouble shooting idea is, try going to a server via Sierra instead
of you or him hosting, until you can figure out how to allow certain ports
in your firewall, to be opened for nascar.
Another possibility is nothing is configured wrong, but there is too much
packet loss going on at his pc.
Problem is there would need to be more investigation needed. do his pings,
to the servers at sierra seem high? or goto
http://www.racesimcentral.net/, do some testing on
speeds, Pinging some sites, many times if you are loosing packets, you will
see consistant packet losses.
SpybotSD, Adaware, and End it all can be your friend...
One is that his computer has other "processes" that have the internet
connection too busy to send or recieve the "stuff" that nascar needs, as you
know, there is a "window" in which the packets must be recived, or they
might as well not have been sent (worhtless data). this problem could be
Spyware, virus's, and or other otherwise usefull applications, or it can be
caused by an overworked CPU and gfx card in some cases... On another front,
it could be your cable provider or even just the modem is going***up...
For What It is Worth,
Our Terydyne (sp?) modem only lasted about year on COX, then it started to
lose packets at times packet loss was 25%... until it would lose sync
(connection al together) a few times a week or month. Cox trouble shot this
with us for what seems like 4 months of spotty failures... None of us
thought it was the modem for a while either, because I dunno signals and
logs seems to be the culprit I guess. Finally one day, it would NOT sync at
all even though all test equipment said it should, We finally then hooked up
another modem right quick to test, and Viola!!! Well, we replaced the
modem and everything was good and has been good for quite a while now, and
faster too.