Hi, i think you should also send yours complaints about EA behavior to Nascar
representatives also, so tthat Nascar will become aware of this non-sense game,
not renew any other license with EA, if they still continue with that kind of
behavior !!!.
Bye Rejean
> I am really pissed at EA because of this game and when I let them know how I
> felt about it they didn't even have the balls to write me back. So I am
> going to make it my personal mission to post every miss leading thing they
> have said about this game. If I can stop 1 person from wasting money on EA
> products, I will have completed my mission! Please read the following
> artical.
> http://www.actionextreme.com/articles/opinion_022799mf.html
> Thank you,
> Matt Lavigne
> St. Paul, MN