Seat cushions.
These devices will give you "seat of the pants" feedback for G force
from racing or flight simulations. The seat cushion design is capable
of translating lateral forces. I can also add support for either
vertical or longitudinal forces for an extra $100. These seat
cushions are constructed primarily from plywood. They are
approximately 6" in thickness.
At this time I'm only making this offer on RAS. I'd like to get five
people interested in buying one before I start building. We can work
out terms of payment depending on what people want.
I'm going to take a hit on the first five units and sell them for $600
plus shipping. I can be ready to ship about two weeks from the date
of agreement.
As discussed previously, you will be able to get a discounted upgrade
from this seat cushion version of the G-seat to a full aluminum racing
seat whenever you choose.
Feel free to call or email me for additional information.
Pat Dotson