drive-way! My sister became a good friend of the guy who produced the game
"Grand Turismo" and when he came to visit he came with this car... signed by
the legend himself!! Oh god! Someone shoot me!
Never actually saw it myself. I was in France driving Renaults at the time.
What happened was, last night, I was watching my 1991 video and mum goes...
"who's that guy with the funny nose" I said it was Alain Prost and then she
said... "Ohhh.... Helen's (my sister) friend...with the Ferrari...blah" you can
imagine. Apparently my sister hasn't been in contact since :o( She's 16 and he
was 35-something...
I'll try and get a number out of her... try and pluck up the courage to call
this guy :o))
That will be the one with all the extra add-ons that Mansell's one
didn't get, but with the engine that was "down on power" compared to
Senna's...? ;-)