Your video card would more than likely be a bottle neck in
your system. Your PC would benefit greatly by fitting a
decent 3D accellerater card. The problem is which one. 3DFX
based cards are tending to be the most supported by the
software folks, but a 3DFX will not help ICR2 or N2. Not sure
about GP2. A Rendition based card will help N2.
Now I hear that Nascar 3 will support 3DFX so, I personally
will be buying a 3DFX card next year.
If money is no problem your could have both. Rendition as the
main card and a Monster 3D 3DFX and a secondary. Each game
would use the card it is written for.
>I have a Gateway p133, 16mb ram, 8x cd-rom, and whatever video card that came
> standard with the package...My question is what needs to be upgraded and in
> what order of importance???? I primarily drive ICR2, N2 and some GP2....and
> would like to do CPR!!! BTW....I am still using a T1 to drive......I would
> appreciate any suggestions!
>Dave Brown
NOTE: Remove the "remove" from E-mail address to reply.
Nigel of Lakewood Motorsports
(Memeber of the Nascar Offline Racing Series)
Nascar Coruba & Coke Chevy
New Zealand