Help needed with clutch.

T. Galvi

Help needed with clutch.

by T. Galvi » Tue, 08 Sep 1998 04:00:00

 I started building a new pedal box today so I too can have 2 axis go and
stop pedals. Although I really dont think they are needed I though I may as
well put a clutch in it as well since Im starting from scratch. You never
know it may give you a little edge on the start line. Anyway Ive found all
the wiring diagrams for the 2 axis setup but could someone tell me which
pins the 4th axis is wired too.
 So far I have
 Wheel   1 and 3
 Gas       9 and 11
 Brake    9 and 6
 Clutch    ??????

 Thanks for any help


Toby Ma

Help needed with clutch.

by Toby Ma » Tue, 08 Sep 1998 04:00:00

On Mon, 7 Sep 1998 23:38:02 +0800, "T. Galvin"

> I started building a new pedal box today so I too can have 2 axis go and
>stop pedals. Although I really dont think they are needed I though I may as
>well put a clutch in it as well since Im starting from scratch. You never
>know it may give you a little edge on the start line. Anyway Ive found all
>the wiring diagrams for the 2 axis setup but could someone tell me which
>pins the 4th axis is wired too.
> So far I have
> Wheel   1 and 3
> Gas       9 and 11
> Brake    9 and 6
> Clutch    ??????

(along with lots of other useful info on joystick ports)
1 & 9 are 5V (ie. one end of all pots)
3 is Joystick 1, x axis
6 is joystick 1, y axis
11 is joystick 2, x axis
13 is joystick 2, y axis

so I reckon the clutch should be 1 and 13 or 9 and 13. Take your pick


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