> I am getting a little frustrated with MGPRS2 and a simple question that no
> one seems to want to help me out.
> The other day, I was racing online with MGPRS2 and the game service, and
> someone accused of being a "cheat". I did not exactly know what he( or she )
> was referring to. I have asked several times in the chat room of the game
> service, what "cheat" means, but no one answers.
> Is there a way to alter the car to improve performance with a computer trick
> vis a vis other online players? some players nickname have in their label
> "cheat". What does this mean?
> Thanks,
> Gostal
The only thing I can think of is the following: maybe you were using
some of the driving aids (such as traction control and abs brakes).
Those can make a lot of difference when you play vs someone who doesn,t
use them. In that case, I don't see why the person would complain... you
can start a session without those aids (in the option menu for the
I played this game online a few months ago, and it's not worth the
effort. The oppenents' car are always on the ideal racing line,
irrespective of the fact that the other driver might not be there in
reality (ie on his computer, his car is not at the same spot on the
track as where you see it on your pc). Opponent speeds are not
consistent. One second, he looks like he's stopped, the other he's going
to warp speed. If you like online racing, better stick to GPL and NROS.