About a week ago i got that ferrari FF wheel...
and i posted a few times about my frustration getting the thing to
work (thanx to everyone for the suggestions and tips)
Problems were forces quiting after a few laps...wheel turning all the
way left or right by itself...wheel goin to max force after a few
I was just short of ditching the thing...
And now after 2 days of no problems i think it's safe to post what
fixed it for me.
First of all some system details...
P600, SBlive,win98SE, DX7a, TNT with 5.30 detonators, Ferrari FF
hooked up to the USB port.
I started looking at the system first and it turned out my SBlive was
sharing an IRQ with the USB port.
Baffled first by not being able to chance the IRQ for either device i
moved the SBlive to another slot(which uses another IRQ) and
eureka...that worked.
It did however not solve the FF crapping out problem in GPL but
thought i'd mention this anyway since it's probably better even if
everything has it's own IRQ
After that it was a long time of messing with the core.ini settings.
I went to www.slottweak.com and read about the setting he uses.
I used the values he mentionsIt seemed better but still problems.
The guy there mentions the values in the core.ini being vice versa:
-force_feedback_damping = this is force feedback strength
-max_steering_torque = this is damping
He's correct about that...
However, i think the max_steering_torque(damping) value doesn't have
much to do with damping...but is indeed as mentioned somewhere in the
readme of 1.1 used to counter unwanted spikes...and turned out the be
vital to get my shit functioning correctly....
So what i did was setting the the max_steering_torque(really damping)
value to 4000.
And gone were my problems....totally and utterly...
I've had 2 days with hours and hours of driving on/off line...the
And sofar the FF hasn't crapped out even once, not even on the ring..
So i guess the max_steering_torque(damping) has to be high to indeed
remove unwanted spikes, if you wanna see spikes set this value to 0
and go drive a bit...The wheel is turning like mad all by itslf while
you enter the car..
The other value(force_feedback_damping = this is force feedback
strength) i use to set the forces i feel on the wheel...
Mine is at 500, it's pretty low but i prefer this cause the wheel
won't be ripped out of your hands when you hit a curve.
You 'll have to set it to a value which suites you..
I hope this will help other people with similar problems cause
boy...was a i getting seriously pissed/depressed about buying that
wheel and not being able to drive GPL with FF without problems all
the time..
Anyways...here's my core.ini settings
[ Joy ]
allow_force_feedback = 1 ; Use FF if device has it
force_feedback_damping = 500.0 ; this is force feedback strength,
not damping
force_feedback_latency = 0.0025 ; force feedback latency in secs
max_steering_torque = 4000.0 ; this is damping but more
importantly it does counter unwanted spikes
hope this helps,