A short note to clear the air...
Papyrus will be making an announcement as early as Friday (10/31/97),
or Monday (11/3) as to the start date of the NASCAR Racing Online
Series. Sources at Papy said the service is "weeks, not months" away
from launching.
ICR2-Rendition and v2200 cards:
Rumors about the new ICR2-executable from Sierra that would fix the
problems associated with the new cars and anti-aliasing are untrue, and
that Papyrus is still looking into the problem. Papyrus said that once
the problem is located, that they'll make an announcement about a fix
or possible work-around.
The re-release of ICR2, now under the name "CART Racing", is due to hit
the store shelves this week. The sim includes versions for Win95, DOS,
and DOS-Rendition. Also included is a Tips & Strategy guide written by
former Car & Driver editor Steve Smith. Price is slated at $29.95 US.
N2 and 3Dfx:
According to Papyrus, there are no plans to produce a patch for N2 and
the 3Dfx card. Papyrus stated that the only patch in the works is the
one planned for SODA. They said that all future games however, will
support "what's out there", and this includes 3Dfx.
Marc J. Nelson
Sim Racing Online / Sim Racing News / The Sim Project