sound in place of the original as in my case and I shouldn't
have so stated, but it sure works with the original!
> You got to try this! Make all the GPL cars - except the
> Ferrari, use the original (or your own favorite) Ferrari sound.
> You got to try this! Make all the GPL cars - except the
> Ferrari, use the original (or your own favorite) Ferrari sound.
Go to
Select GPL from left margin
Scroll down to SOUNDS
Download HiFi Sounds for GPL by Jari Jokinen
It will be
In this ZIP is the pack/unpack by Corey Rueckheim
Now per Jari: "Extracting the original sounds:
- Copy sound.dat and unpack.exe into the same folder.
- Go to DOS prompt and switch to the folder.
- Type "unpack sound.dat" - The original wavs are extracted
into the folder, and you can then rename or modify them."
Finally, don't forget that some cars share the same wav file
so you won't see all the cars extracted because of this.
Make 4 copies of ferrari.wav and rename them: brmh16.wav,
cosworth.wav, repco.wav, weslake.wav.
Then rename wind.wav to read ferrari.wav
to make your turbo car. One last thing you copy all your new wavs
back into sierra/gpl/sound as well as the sound.dat file that
remains unchanged by all this. I saved all the wavs in the new
unpack folder you never know when you might want to use them.
One final warning I am typing this trying to get the spelling
of those wavs correct but be careful name them exactly as they
pop out of the dat file as they override what's inside the file
they don't overwrite and that's the best part of all this.
I promise this is the last word, by doing this you are adding
alot more bytes then Papy did for these sound files. I don't
know if this will have a performance hit because I am finally
using a system that runs virtually 36 all the time with everything
on and only dips below this for a second or two at the starts and back
to 36 as I cross the line in last place, of course.