Moto-X 2000

Jim Dougla

Moto-X 2000

by Jim Dougla » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Anybody get this yet? I can't get it to run on either
of my computers. One has a Geforce DDR and the
other has two Voodoo 2's. Both do the same thing,
you can get through all the menu's then when you hit
the race button it kicks me out to windows.
Any ideas?????

Moto-X 2000

by Pete » Tue, 04 Apr 2000 04:00:00

    EB, told me the game has been recalled because of
errors on the master disk. It will have to be re-issued
once the mistakes have been corrected. Expensive
mistake on producers part!

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