out an take advantage of this great deal I found:
Just got a new Nascar Redline Catalog (Nascar odds and ends). And
what did they include this time but a copy of Nascar 3! Just Nascar3,
the Acc. Pack. And you can have this software that's was just released
ago for the low low price of...............................$79.99.
Yes, that's right...$79.99. plus $11.95 for shipping for an amazing
total of
$91.95 for Nascar 3.
I'll be happy to pass along the phone number and ordering information
for any of you who want to order this gem. Or better still, just send me
$75 bucks
and I send you a copy and I'll even pay for shipping because that's the
kind of
guy I am.
This was just too funny...