> I got the CH Racing System (wheel and pedals) for Christmas and for the most
> part I really enjoy it. It said it didn't need drivers but YOU WILL NEED
> THEM FROM THE CH WEBPAGE. Unfortunately it didn't come with drivers,
> luckily I could get them via Internet. The racing system comes with Need
> For Speed II Special Edition which is arcadish but I liked it.
> Unfortunately it DOESNT work properly with my racing system. I purchased MS
> Cart and really enjoy racing with the wheel. If you want realism, use a
> wheel. If you can wait a while, the force feedback wheels will be out soon.
> I wish I could get one of those, heh. I have a FF joystick and it rocks.
> Christopher
Unfortunately Chris is mistaken, the CH can't center itself and
therefore sucks, best bet is to get your humptey dumptey ass over to
CompUSA and buy a T2 for $69 on clearance or get the Nascar Pro to
start. After you get totally nuts and think you have a racing career get
the Thomas Super Wheel
> >Hello there!!.
> >Just a ***,
> >I am in the market for a steering wheel and pedal combination
> >could anyone recommend a wheel / pedal combination
> >that woks well across the board.
> >My favourite games are TOCA and Psygnosis F1, so any
> >compatibility issues that any one knows would be
> >appreciated.
> >Regards Paul Knox.