I have it.. I play ALL over racing sims.. and SCGT is up there with the
best.. not THE best..
GPL is .. but SCGT is great fun. BUT.. you should get the patches. sounds
and Physics..... then it ROCKS..
I'm in the middle of a GT2 champs.. and I have a V12 Lambo Diablo Turbo with
about 490 BHP...!!! great fun...
For 40 bucks.. it is great... and well worth it....
If you get it.. buzz me and I'll tell you what you need....
James Pickard,
The main reason I bought it was to run the Sebring, Road Atlanta and Lime Rock
tracks which don't appear to be simulated anywhere else by a retail product.
All the tracks look great. The game deserves credit for that. HOWEVER, you
need to know the cheats (available on the Net) to access them all out of the
box. To me, this is really stupid. I just paid $40 for this thing and I can't
run all the tracks it comes with or use all the cars? What's the point?
Thirdly, a very big mistake in this game is that, when using the in-car view,
at night you have no headlights. I guess they're available in arcade mode, but
then it's not a simulator is it? There are street lights, but no headlights?
What were they thinking?
And as far as the in-car view is concerned, you have a gereric view for all the
cars, i.e. same dashboard. If you want a different dash (and there are better
***pit views available on the internet than the ONE that comes with the game)
you need to download it. Of course, once you download several different
dashes, since only one works in the game at a time, each time you want to
change dashes, you need to fool around renaming files.
I'm happy with the physics, but I also claim no real expertise in assessing
this aspect of the game.
My suggestion is that if you don't need to run a track like Sebring (I was
dying to see this track in a simulator), wait to purchase this game until it
goes on sale or the price drops.
It's a great sim. But you need ot install the advanced option patch.
Joel Willstein
Its the probably one of the best racing games out there with or without the
patch. But its not a great racing sim.