It seems every post in here is a hatred post. It seems everyone hates everyone
Look, WE ALL used to be friendly, very helpful, and giving. But, now, Spam
and Chris have almost succeeded, they have almost tore us all apart. We mustn't
let them win, this group should be peaceful, like it was before.
Also, I agree with Keith Speroni's last post "ATTN Yanno, Tom Wardell, and others."
It seems we all are going to destroy rec.autos.simulators.
Also, regarding "Freedom Fighter's" post, he is right, we all keep telling people
insults and shut ups. But, he was wrong, Americans aren't the only people in the group.
EVERYONE, I do mean EVERYONE, has Freedom To Speak in this group.
Please, we can't let these people win! We can't let them tear us apart!
Good will always overcome evil, but, it looks like evil is overcoming good!
Come on, let's fight for each other!
Please ignore all posts that are written by Yanno or "Spam," please don't come around
and begin your put-downs, they all WANT US TO GRIPE at them! They will succeed in
destroying all of our friendships if we don't ignore!
I haven't heard from Ed Martin, he may be gone, we need to survive! But, we
need each other to survive!
Please don't put-down the ***s, they just want attention, don't give it to them!!
Mark Fields
R & J Racing
NASS '96 Driver
Web Sites:
http://www.racesimcentral.net/;R & J Racing's World Wide Web Site
http://www.racesimcentral.net/~twburgess - Mark's Index Page
http://www.racesimcentral.net/~jdavis - R & J Racing's NASCAR Shop
http://www.racesimcentral.net/~twburgess/nasicr - NASCAR Racing/Indycar II Sim Page
http://www.racesimcentral.net/; J Racing's NASCAR Garage
http://www.racesimcentral.net/ - Coming Soon!!