Matrox video card for their dual-head technology. I'm thinking
something like a 1GHz PIII or P4.
My exisiting machine is a PII/400 with a Matrox G200 and Voodoo 2
My question is, what setup would be best for running GPL, and other
things like GP3, Rall Championship (and MS Train Simulator)? It's ok
on my existing machine but I'd like to improve things. I can get 36fps
when running on my own, but with other cars I think things will slow
down a fair bit. Also I'd like to turn up the graphics a bit.
1. Run GPL etc on the new machine. Matrox G550, or whatever, not the
best for 3D as far as I understand it. (But is it good enough?)
2. Upgrade PII machine with a better video card. The point being, are
GPL etc. limited by the CPU power or the video card? Is PII/400 up to
it? What would be a good video card? Would a PII/400 with, say, a
GeForce video card 'max out' GPLs capabilities?
I don't really want to upgrade the m/board in the PII. Too much
messing about.
Thanks, John