: Hey, I dunno if anyone else has had this happen, but I run NR2 on a P200
: with 16 RAM, full install under win95. I've played with the frame rates
: and my problem doesn't seem to have anything to do with it...
: While in the program I seem to get a regular jump...like a pause in teh
: system every 5 minutes or so.. it pauses for a second four straight
: times, then continues on like nothing had happened. I've looked all over
: for a reason, and can find none, I think it may be in my machine as I
: seem to notice it while playing mechwarrior Mercenaries also...
: Any thoughts or Ideas would be greatly appreciated.
If you are playing while in Win95 and you have a "dial-up" network setup
for your Win95 system, this is usually the cause for the hiccups. Every
once 'n awhile Win95 stops everything and "polls" the network to see if
it's alive. Two solutions:
1) Run in pure DOS mode
2) Create a new Hardware Profile under System Properties. In this new
profile "disable" the "dial-up" network. This is done by "unchecking"
the box in the Network Adaptors -> Dial-Up Adaptor for your "new"
profile. From now on when ever you boot up Win95, it should prompt
for the profile to load.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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