OT: Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire at Costco


OT: Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire at Costco

by Eldre » Mon, 03 Nov 2003 22:54:05

Someone here was looking for this game bundle - sorry, I don't remember who(Ped
Xing?).  I spotted this post on another newsgroup.  So, now you can get your
copy! :-)

> Of all places, perhaps at others as well.  Stumbled across one of
> several "packs" they are selling for $16.99 - Need for Speed Pack,
> Command & Conquer Pack, Movie Pack (there were more, I think) and one
> called the "Laptop Pack".  Contains Tiger Woods PGA Tour Collection,
> C&C RA2, SimCity 3000 Unlimited and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and
> Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire. "Five Games You Can Play on the Go".  <g>

> You get the full manual for RA2 and only the cdroms for the others,
> but it actually contains an Alpha Centauri cdrom and an Alpha
> Centauri *Planetary Pack* cdrom.  If you've been looking for a copy...

> -craig

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