> > > Subject: Does the Car cost far enough in NASCAR 2.
> > > Have you noticed that at Taladega when a Car runs out of GAS at
> > > 200mph that it cant coast around to the PITS for GAS. Does this
> > > also occur at other tracks. It seems to me that the CARS should
> > > coast a little further..
> > I'd say it coasts too far.....
> > If you consider A) you don't have a clutch, and B) there isn't a
> > neutral.
> Your right... Considering there is no cluctch, that explains why
> you stop so suddenly.. Your dragging down some gear
And y'all are reading too much into this whole thing. First, I don't
think Papyrus would want the car to come to a screeching halt when the
car ran out of gas. Therefore they make it coast--sort of an automatic
clutch I guess.
Don is right on one thing--the cars usually can coast all the way around
the track, into the pits, and into the garage, without the aid of power.
This is most notable during qualifying, when the drivers shut the engine
down immediately after completing their second qualifying lap. The
reason they do this is simple--they tape up the grilles to allow just
enough air into the radiator to keep the car from overheating for two
laps. If they were to run another lap with the grille taped up like
they would literally burn the engine up. Therefore, just after the car
crosses the start-finish line during qualifying, the drivers shut the
engine down and coast all the way back to the garage.
Another thing that allows the cars to coast back, and also allows them
to easily be pushed by one person, is the lack of brake drag.
Pat Campbell
Lexington, AL